Figure : IPM Plenary & Demo Day
Contrast Issue for CTA

Drop downs require multiple taps or gestures to open, navigate, and select an option, which can be difficult with screen readers.
Position of "Next" button on the top right will cause the screen readers to announce it before the main content, which can confuse users or lead them to skip important information.
The contrast between text and background inside the button also 2.91 and fails WCAG contrast guideline.
The background color and the iput box has the same color, causing Accessibility issues
The background color and the iput box has the same color, causing Accessibility issues

No use case for error is covered.
Even if the mobile number digits are less, send OTP is activated
The "Back" button uses only an icon without a text alternative, making it inaccessible for screen readers.
The disabled CTA button is not properly announced to screen readers, making its state unclear to users.
The contrast between text and background inside the button also 2.74:1 and fails WCAG contrast guideline.

The touch area for selection is too small, making it difficult for users to select the option accurately, especially on mobile devices.
The boy and girl icons look too similar in design, which may confuse users who rely on color differentiation or have color blindness.
The kids are not always under this bracket, a lot of VI Kids start using digital devices much later in life. This data will help in content creation for kids
Figure : Accessibilty Audit for Chimple Onboarding Screens
Accessbilty Audit

i Shared my learning too

02. Inclusion of Fathers in nutrition and care through FMCH Chatbot - Portion Sakhi

Encouraging Fathers’ Participation in Child Nutrition
In collaboration with FMCH, I contributed to the design of Poshan Jodi, a chatbot aimed at increasing fathers’ involvement in maternal and child nutrition.
Our research, conducted through field studies and expert interviews, highlighted how gender stereotypes and communication gaps led to the disproportionate burden of childcare on mothers.
We designed an chatbot prototype that encouraged shared decision-making, provided personalized guidance, and nudged fathers toward healthier food choices and active caregiving.
Our pilot testing showed promising results, with increased male engagement in child nutrition and a shift towards better food purchasing decisions, demonstrating how inclusive design can drive behavioral change at a community level.
please Reach out for more Details

Figure : Discussion on inclusion
Figure : Whatsapp Chatbot flow for FMCH Portion Skahki
Figure : Feild Research in Konanakunte, Bengaluru and Ulhasnagar